If you want to put aside some money for your future, or an unexpected expense, you can do so by, for example, opening a savings account. Your money does not just lie down, and the advantage of having a savings account is that you receive interest on the balance periodically. So your savings will save you a little. There are various savings options in SRD, EUR and / or USD at VCBBank at attractive interest rates.

Saving with the VCB therefore has several advantages:

  • You can choose from a savings account that is tailored to your needs.
  • You will receive an attractive interest rate periodically, as a result of which your money will continue to increase rapidly.
  • You can save in Srd, Euro or USD.
  • Minimum deposit SRD 100 / USD 50 / Euro 50
  • Our interest rates for the Srd accounts are 3%, Euro accounts 0.05% and for the USD 0.25%.

Requirements for opening a savings account: 

  • CBB uittreksel
  • A valid proof of identity (ID card, Surinamese passport or drivers license).

To open a savings account of a minor child, one of the parents must come with the child. If the child bears the name of the father, the father is allowed to join (and / or the mother) and the mother must otherwise go with it. In addition, the parent must bring the family booklet, the own ID card, as well as the excerpts from the child and the parent who brings the child.

For more information, you can visit one of our offices.